Tire Basics: What We Should Know About Tires.

DPF (Diesel particulate filter)

    The DPF replaces the old muffler and traps. Instead of exhausting soot into the atmosphere, the DPF traps the soot and then uses heat to oxidize it. So what exits the exhaust is much cleaner air. The soot is periodically regenerated into clean, carbon dioxide gas and water vapor. The resulting exhaust is clean – no odor or diesel smell. This cleaner exhaust won’t blacken your trailer, and won’t even blacken inside of the exhaust stack!

Here’s How It Works.

     The DPF is actually a ceramic filter that has thousands of tiny channels. DPF collects soot (particulate matter) created by the engine As the exhaust passes through these channels, soot is trapped along the channel walls and is prevented from exhausting through the stacks, which also protects the environment. Solid matter is trapped.. Periodically, the DPF must remove the soot that has built up along the channel walls. This is called  “regeneration.” It’s like a – like self-cleaning oven Regeneration is an oxidation process that uses heat to remove the soot from the filter.

    Except for replacement, there are three main methods to regenerate or renew the filter.
• Passive regeneration: This occurs during the course of the car at the highway, in order to achieve increased exhaust temperature to burn the soot (soot is burning in over 600o C). This temperature cannot be achieved at the low speeds of a car that moves within a city. For the increase of temperature very helpful is an oxidizing catalyst that several cars have positioned in their system.

• Active regeneration: automobiles with a differential pressure sensor,
when realized filling in soot filter (around 45%), automatically trigger adjustments to the injection timing of fuel, so that the exhaust gas enters the filter at a higher temperature and burn soot.

• Forced regeneration: When despite the effort of passive regeneration, the lamp of DPF failure lights, then the system goes into limb mode (extreme situation). When this happens you should immediately go to a specialized workshop where with the use of a diagnostic they proceed to forced regeneration.


Add product to fuel

It cleans and lubricates multiple systems in your vehicle.

It cleans and lubricates all components from the fuel tank to the cylinders.(fuel injector, fuel pump,…)

It removes deposits, protects against corrosion, and helps the fuel to burn more completely, which helps to lower emissions, improves fuel mileage, and increases power.

When added to your oil, it cleans your engine and forms a protective barrier against heat and friction, improves oil flow in cold weather, and extends oil life.


Stop leaks in engines

Additive for worn and older engines

Reducing engine noise and oil consumption while raising oil pressure

Extend engine oil life by 50% or more.


It cleans as it lubricates the fuel system.(fuel injector, fuel pump,…)

It also causes the fuel to burn more efficiently for greater fuel
economy and fewer emissions.

It negates the harmful effects of “reformulated gasoline”
especially in older automobiles and 2-cycle engines.

Use in diesel engines to neutralize the harmful effects of
ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.


To prevent cold filter plugging, fuel thickening, and gelling in ULSD, diesel, and bio-diesel fuels.


To prevent cold filter plugging, fuel thickening, and gelling in ULSD, diesel, and bio-diesel fuels.


It protects automotive cooling systems.

It protects the entire system from rust, corrosion, and electrolysis including aluminum, and has been proven to reduce coolant temperatures up to 20ºF.


Fix stops slipping in worn transmissions.

It also cleans and lubricates sticking valves for proper shifting.

will extend fluid life up to three times longer.

stops most seal leaks and controls heat and foaming.

It’s the perfect preventative maintenance product to stop initial wear in newer


It removes brake fluid, grease, brake dust, and other contaminants from brake linings,
pads, cylinders, springs and drums.


Amplifies the life and performance of a modern engine that uses lower viscosity engine oils.

Improves fuel economy and power by reducing the level of friction
which improves any premium quality motor oil.

Reduces friction for more power and fuel economy, improves dispersancy to fight carbon deposits, sludge and varnish, and contains antioxidants to help motor oil resist thermal breakdown.

Radiator stop leak

      The loss of coolant from the radiator, engine blocks, cylinder heads, and heater cores can cause the engine to overheat, which can create serious damage and result in very expensive repairs.

     Radiator Stop Leak uses a chemical solution that safely and quickly repairs minor leaks in radiators, engine blocks, cylinder heads, and heater cores.

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